Saturday, December 29, 2012


Everyday Is A Gift Day

I love a gift. Well, who doesn’t? Everyone loves it. Especially a gift from our loved ones. It shows that person care about us. Even the smallest gift could mean so much.

I remember back then when I was 6-8 years old, I loved Christmas so much. I still do love Christmas up until now. It just “the love” that is different. When I was a kid, I didn’t really care about the Mass, what I cared about was the event after the Mass, which was meet with Santa at mall !

I loved Santa! I remember that he called us one by one, sit on his lap and we got gift! When I opened the present…. TAAADAAAAAAA… Dragon Ball’s action figure! Loved it! Santa always gave me present every year. I thought that he was a real Santa that could read my mind and gave me what I want.

When I grow up, I realize that Santa is just a man. A man in a costume. I still love him though. Not because I still want to sit on his lap and get a present (his thigh might be broken if I do that), but simply because Santa is a symbil of a “giver” not a “taker”. And now I know that the real giver is God. God is abundance. He has this huge room full of gifts and He wants us to have it.

How do I know God has so much gifts? Free air, free sun light, food we ate, family we have, friends, love, aren’t they gifts? Day by day we are going through is a gift from Him. If Santa comes once in a year. Then, He comes with gifts every single day!

It’s still Friday!
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
(John 3 : 16)

Speaking about gift, God gave the only Son He has as a gift to us. I can’t imagine and I don’t want to imagine when people have to lose his son for the others that they even don’t know. But God did that! He loves us! He loves me! He loves you!

However, there might be questions like :

  • “If God really loves me then why things don’t go my way?”
  • “Why do I face difficulties everyday?”
  • “Why this happen to me? Why that happened?”

Well, the answer is simply because today is still “Friday”! On Friday, everything goes wrong! Rain hits! Storm is here! Nothing seems right. But don’t worry, Sunday is coming!

The things you are going through now make you tired, it is because today is still Friday. On Friday, Jesus being caught. His friends left Him. Peter lied about Him. Jesus being tortured. Blood spilled everywhere. A crown full with thorn put on His head. He was being punched, kicked. His face full with bloods, sweats, tears. Soldiers spit on Him. His face being slapped. Women were crying. His clothes were torn apart. And finally He was crucified. But that was Friday.

Come Sunday, He was risen from the dead. Everybody throws a party. Angels came down from Heaven. His disciples busy spreading this good news. No more tears. No more cries. Women were so happy when that found out that Jesus has rose from the dead. Everybody happy. Smiles were everywhere. Sunday is coming to your life.

An Eagle
Mr and Mrs Eagle is a happy couple with one son, Eagle Jr. When Mrs. Eagle gave birth to Eagle Jr., she brings Eagle Jr. to the top of mountain. Mr and Mrs Eagle, together they build a home for their son. They build a beautiful nest. Very comfortable and very warm place for Eagle Jr.

But a few years after that, come the time for Eagle Jr. to learn to fly. Mr and Mrs Eagle teach their son using the hardest way. Mrs Eagle throws her son from the top of the mountain. Eagle Jr. is wondering “Why mom is so mean to me? Heeelllllppppp!!! I’m going to die!!” . All of a sudden, Mr Eagle catches Eagle Jr., put his son back on the nest. The little eagle hasn’t finished catch his breath, Mrs Eagle throws him down again! And it is happening many many many times for a day.

Eagle Jr. thought that “Ok, it was crazy. Now is the time to eat.” When he was a little bird. Mommy would give him the yummy worms for him. Delivered to his nest. But now, there is no food! No yummy yummy worms inside his nest. Mommy puts it outside. So, Eagle Jr. climbs his nest and goes outside. When he does that, the thorns from the nest sometimes hit his wings. Blood is dripping.

Why the Eagles did that? Because Eagles want their kid to be extraordinary. Eagles are different from any other birds. They don’t fly. They soar in the sky! That’s why now tears are flowing, body is exhausting, mind is very tired. God doesn’t enjoy that. But He wants you to be extraordinary! He wants you to soar in the sky! God wants you to receive His gifts!

God always love you :)
