Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Journal Of Time

Today, I'm going to share with you a simple and short journal. Some people think that life is hanging by a rope, whereby when you are still young, you got nothing to worry about. You can live your life careless. You can live your life without rules, without respect, without scared, and to some youngsters...without God.

The truth is our life hanging by a thread. A thin, simple, and so fragile thread. A baby, even before they were born can be died inside his mom's womb. Every second, every moment, anyone in this world can be gone. Statistics said that every second, around 3 people died in this world. Tikkkk ...tookkk.. tikkkk... tokkk... 12 people gone. That someone could be the one we know or we care about or ... we love.

Believe me when I said we are waiting for a bus from heaven to pick us up. How, when, where, I don't know. What I know is that it will come for certain. It will come for every one of us in this world without exception, whether we are ready or not. The question is what are we doing while we are waiting?

I will share with you 2 stories.

Meet Mark, a successful business man with a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter. He used to live in Germany. He has everything, money, luxury cars, a huge house. Every single thing to show how success he is. Long story short, he moved to Australia to expand his business. He made the biggest mistake ever, cheat on his wife for another woman! Soon enough his wife found out his lies. She asked for a divorce and it happened.

A few years later, financial crisis is coming. His business is starting to go down, down, down, and finally got bankrupt. His new wife left him. He has no place to stay. The worst thing is he has no family. His daughter refused to see him and his ex wife did not want to see him either. He is homeless, jobless, and as if that is not bad enough, he is starting to get sick. Coughing all the time. Someone from the church said that maybe he has lung cancer... and from the look of things, he is going to die alone.

Anna is another story. She has a son and a daughter and a nice husband. One day, she felt something wrong with her chest. She went to the doctor. The doctor said, "I'm sorry Mrs. Anna, you have a breast cancer". She was shocked! "How much time do I have, doctor?". "Well , maybe around 4 months..I'm so sorry to inform you this."

But she refused to give up. She said, "I still have to take care of my children and my husband. I have to be there when my children are getting married. I want to live to cook every single night for my family. I want to teach my daughter how to play a violin." She went home and instantly, everything is changed! She hugs her children tightly, spend more time with her family, she enjoys every single second that she has in her life. Why? Because she knows she is dying. But now, she is completely healed and still live her beautiful life.

Friends, our waiting time is our living time. Different people, spend it differently. But dying people are the one who spend their time the most wisely. Simply because they know they have to create moments. Let me repeat the key word, MOMENTS. At the end of the day, you will realize moments are all we have.

I have 2 friends that have passed away. They left me a message about how to live a life with the time we have, well if I can change the word me into 'us', then they left us a message... live a life as if we are dying. We are not dying, but we are 'dying'. We are hanging by a thread, it is so thin and can be easily cut down anytime. That's why we are 'dying'. Every single second counts. Every moment counts. Every little things we do while we are waiting.....count.

Tonight, some people will come home and moan about their works, their boss, their friends.

Tonight, some people will complain about their family, the traffic, the weather, the food.

Tonight, some people will angry about their life, their cars, their house.

But tonight, some people will realize that we are 'dying' and start to live a life like a dying man.


Note : this journal is dedicated to my friends, Milke Angelia and David Enggar. May you guys rest in peace and have a good time in heaven. GBU. =)